Searching for Antoni Kozlowski Jewelry information? Follow the links below to find all the information you need and more.
recent work (2012) Examples of my work. While every piece I craft is unique, because of the individuality of the amber that I use, certain themes repeat themselves throughout my work.
Antoni Kozlowski I completed my jewelry education over 40 ears ago. The first formal jewelry I created was amber from the Baltic Sea and I have been working with amber ever since.
Kozlowski, Antoni Shelby Township, MI Artist Statement: I completed my jewelry education over 40 years ago. The first formal jewelry I created was amber from the Baltic Sea and i have been working with amber ever since. I prefer larger forms of jewelry. Materials: silver, gold, amber,crystals, leather.
We hope that you have found all the necessary information about Antoni Kozlowski Jewelry using the links above.