Searching for Boss Jewelry Lineage 2 information? Follow the links below to find all the information you need and more.
== Raid Boss Drop JewelsBoss level: 90 Necklace Grade: A== Frintezza's Necklace: Mdef: 95 Bonuses: Reflect Damage: 10%, Dark Resistance:+12%, Sleep Resistance:+30%, Bleed Resistance:+50%, Shock Resistance:+30%, Poison Resistance:+50%, Paralysis Resistance:+30%, Re-use Delay Decrease: 10% Boss...
14 rows · Sep 29, 2010 · Lineage 2 Raid Boss Jewelry Exact Effects; Lineage 2 Forgotten Scrolls …
Lineage 2 Underground Lineage2 Guide, Help, News. Home; Guide; Library; Knowledge; Download; Talking Island; Forum; Lineage 2 Boss Jewelry. Earring of Zaken. Decreases Bleed Vulnerability by 30 Decreases Stun Vulnerability by 20 Decreases Derangement Vulnerability by value depending on level Adds Bleed Attack Bonus by 30 Adds Stun Attack Bonus ...
Trasken drops a special raid boss jewelry item. Level 95–99: Characters of this level range can enter the raid as a raid force of no more than 100 characters. In the raid fight, characters must concentrate on defeating the main body of Earth Wyrm Trasken. ... Lineage II, PLAYNC, NCSOFT, the Interlocking NC Logo and all associated logos and ...
After a successful raid on an epic boss, besides the accessories, you may also obtain a bottle with the boss's soul. Such bottles are used to upgrade the corresponding accessory. Such bottles are used to upgrade the corresponding accessory.
Ultimate Jewelry Box: Ultimate Jewelry Box Event: Jewel Grinder - Related Pages. Items: ... about Lineage 2 with love [email protected]. Sections. L2048 Game; Wallpapers; Show game data on your site; Databases. Russian: Lineage 2 ...
In Lineage 2, you can get epic accessories with a unique set of characteristics.
Superior jewels of levels 2-10 can be made via combination of a superior jewel and a special item Jewel Energy. Example: Superior Ruby Lv. 2 + Jewel Energy = Superior Ruby Lv. 3. Creation of superior jewels of levels 2-10 can be unsuccessful, in which case Jewel Energy will be destroyed, and the level of the jewel being created lowered to 1.
2. Valakas Lair and zone near NPC "Klein" are PVP zones. 3. Antharas Lair and near "Heart Of Warding" are PVP zones. 4. Frintezza PVP zone is in first Imperial Tomb room. 5. Queen Ant PVP zone after the bridge and near Boss. 6. Zaken ship and deck are PVP zones. - When you enter to …
General Info. Augmentation is upgrading weapon, accessories, brooches, head accessories, circlets with special Spirit Stones.; The effects received during augmentation are random. They depend on the spirit stone used. Augmented items cannot be sold or transferred, they cannot be lost if your character dies, they cannot be dropped, however you can store them in your warehouse.
We hope that you have found all the necessary information about Boss Jewelry Lineage 2 using the links above.