Searching for Darrow Ceramics Jewelry information? Follow the links below to find all the information you need and more.
Darrow Ceramics & Jewelry We are located in Claremont California best known for it's eight college campuses. Our garden showroom is always filled with beautiful work. If you would like to make a purchase but are unable to negotiate the website or don't …
Eric Darrow is a ceramic artist who has been working in clay for over 35 years. His love of Asian, Arts and Crafts and Mid-Century pottery is evident in his work. Darrow utilizes the familiar, basic forms of vases and containers but have the personal, emotional impact of works of art. A native Californian Eric studied in Claremont and Laguna Beach.
My latest from the kiln. All prices include shipping, if you live outside the United States and would like to make a purchase please email me for a quote.
What a terrific web site. It's quick, easy to navigate and the images capture much of what makes your work extraordinary. Rochelle, your pieces of jewelry are like little treasures, and Eric, I don't know how you do it, but your pieces just keep getting more interesting and beautiful. Thanks, Margaret
We hope that you have found all the necessary information about Darrow Ceramics Jewelry using the links above.