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Aug 22, 2014 · A bail (also spelled “ bale “) is a component of certain types of jewelry, mostly necklaces, that is used to attach a pendant or stone. The bail is normally placed in the center of the necklace where the pendant hangs. Some bails are made so a pendant can be attached after the necklace production is completed.
A bail is the top loop on a pendant that the chain slides through. Bails come in many different shapes, sizes and designs. Changing the bail on a pendant can make a big difference, both for aesthetic reasons, allowing it to fit on your favorite chain and for strength.
Bail A finding that connects a pendant to a necklace. They come in different forms: some clip onto the pendant, some have mounts to glue the pendant to, and some attach to a ring on the pendant. The purpose is to hold the pendant flat when worn.
Bail A bail is a loop of metal attached at the top of a pendant, stone or other jewelry object to allow it to hang from a chain or cord. Turquoise and Diamond Pendant with a Simple Bail. Photo Courtesy of Lang Antique s. [>>>]
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