Searching for Dutch Royal Family Jewelry information? Follow the links below to find all the information you need and more.
Originally part of a necklace given to Queen Emma as a wedding present by the Dutch people in 1879. Converted for use as a tiara in the 1930s and later placed in the family's jewel foundation. Worn by Queen Wilhelmina, Queen Juliana, Princess Beatrix, …
Royal Crown JewelsRoyal CrownsRoyal TiarasRoyal JewelryTiaras And CrownsRoyal QueenKing QueenDiamond TiaraDiamond Earrings. HM Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands wearing Queen Emma's diamond tiara. She's also wearing a pair of diamond earrings, diamond star brooches (from Queen Emma), and a diamond collet necklace.28 pins
It definitely is one of the most historic jewels present in today's royal families. It was worn by Mary Stuart, Princess of York as Princess of Orange and later Queen of England, Scotland and Ireland. Only the large pear shaped (Stuart) diamond on top belonged to Mary II Stuart. The tiara was made in 1897 by German Jeweller Schurmann in Frankfurt.
Nov 23, 2017 · No member of the Royal Family of Holland had worn this tiara again for 30 years. Originally, it was a gold tiara with two bands of diamonds embedded with five floral ornaments, which were removed and transformed into a “bijoux” that can be worn as brooches, earrings or hoops.
Jul 06, 2020 · Though the Ruby Mellerio Tiara and parure belong to the Dutch Royal Family’s jewel foundation, what makes the tiara unique is that, so far, it has only been reserved for …
May 17, 2017 · Made in 1900, using large, pear-shaped pearls that belonged to seventeenth-century Dutch Princess Amalia of Solms-Braunfels, the Antique Pearl Tiara has been worn by almost all of the Dutch Royal Ladies. Queen Maxima wore the diamond base of the piece before her wedding, and famously wore the Tiara in her 40th Birthday portrait.
Jan 20, 2019 · The Queen Mother was bequeathed the jewelry collection of the Honorable Mrs. Greville, a friend of the royal family, in 1942—and the Boucheron Tiara came with it.
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