Searching for Excise Duty Branded Jewellery In India information? Follow the links below to find all the information you need and more.

All about Excise duty on Branded Jewellery
    Apr 18, 2011 · Accordingly an exemption notification 05/2006 CE dated 1-03-2006 was issued which exempted full duty in excess of 2% on article of jewellery on which brand name or trade name was indelibly affixed or embossed on the articles of jewellery itself. 2) Later the Finance Minister Shri Pranab Mukherjee while presenting his budget proposals for Budget 2009-2010 on July 6, 2009 proposed to fully exempt branded jewellery …

    In respect of levy of excise duty @ 1% on jewellery and other articles of precious metals which bear or are sold under a brand name, the provisions of Rule 12AA of the Central Excise Rules and Rules 2 & 4 of the Cenvat Credit Rules as amended by Notification Nos. 8/2011-Central Excise (N.T.) and 9/2011-Central Excise (N.T.) both, dated 24th March, 2011 may kindly be referred to.

No rollback of excise on branded jewellery Business ...
    Some excise offices like Bangalore Excise have started issuing notices to jewellers asking them to pay duties on jewellery sold with their brand names. As virtually the entire industry is in the unorganised sector, with hardly a few having proper manufacturing facilities, execution is difficult and jewellery is sold as the price of gold plus labour charges plus VAT.

Govt rolls back excise duty on gold jewellery - Times of India
    May 08, 2012 · Moving the finance bill in the Parliament the finance minister said, "The government has decided to withdraw the levy (one per cent excise duty) on all precious metal jewellery, branded or unbranded, with effect from March 17, 2012."

Guide to Excise Duty Levy on Jewellery under Budget 2016
    Mar 24, 2016 · KGMA’s Guide to Excise Duty Levy on Jewellery under Budget 2016 [1] In Budget 2016, a nominal excise duty of 1% [without input tax credit] and 12.5% [with input tax credit] has been imposed on articles of jewellery. Even for this nominal 1% excise duty, manufacturers are allowed to take credit of input services, which can be utilised for payment of duty on jewellery.

Excise duty on gold Jewellery...CBEC clarifies
    As part of this proposal, with effect from 1st March, 2011, Government levied an excise duty of 1% on precious metal jewellery – but only on goods manufactured or sold under a brand name. This rate...

excise duty on gold: Latest News on excise duty on gold ...
    May 18, 2016 · Government cuts excise duty on impure gold to 9.35 per cent. 18 May, 2016, 12.56 AM IST. Arun Jaitley had increased the excise duty on impure dore gold to 9.5% from 9% in this year’s budget, narrowing the difference between the duty on impure and pure gold.

Gold: Govt hikes import duty on gold to 12.5% from 10% ...
    Jul 05, 2019 · The increase in import duty of gold from 10 per cent -12.5 per cent announced in the Union Budget on Friday will make gold dearer in the domestic market. Gold traders say that this will also increase entry of gold in the country through the illegal route. Talking to ET, Anantha Padmanabhan, chairman, All India Gem & Jewellery Domestic Council “This move was unexpected.

We hope that you have found all the necessary information about Excise Duty Branded Jewellery In India using the links above.