Searching for Gary Sanford Jeweler Syosset information? Follow the links below to find all the information you need and more.
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Syosset NY 11791. 3 Reviews (516) 921-6643. Menu & Reservations Make Reservations . Order Online Tickets Tickets See Availability Directions ... Gary is a great jeweler. Sophy is a delight. They have the most beautiful jewelry, always tasteful and always special.4.5/5(3)
3 reviews of Garco Jewelry "As many other jewelry stores Garco may offer 20-25% discount and is still expensive. So what's to like about it? Its very original jewels: many semi-precious stones such as agate apatite labradorite corundrum tourmaline moonstones exquisitely set in gold and diamonds are just irresistible. I can never walk out of this store empty handed...and I find their creations ...4.5/5(3)
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