Searching for Jeweler Gemspec Dependencies information? Follow the links below to find all the information you need and more.

Cyclic dependency due to messed up gemspec (jeweler to ...
    In newer versions of Jeweler, this causes an infinite loop of dependencies, because Jeweler always pulls in all the Bundler-activated gems if Bundler is active. Simply removing the "gemspec" directive from Gemfile breaks that loop, and because of the …

ruby - Jeweler adds circular dependency to my gem - Stack ...
    The problem is that it generates the following dependencies in the gemfoo.gemspec file: s.add_runtime_dependency(%q<gemfoo>, [">= 0"]) s.add_runtime_dependency(%q<nokogiri>, ["~> 1.4.1"]) s.add_development_dependency(%q<jeweler>, [">= 0"]) Which won't stop you from releasing your rubygem but won't allow you to install it:

Craft the perfect gem with Jeweler - Josh Nichols on the ...
    version, because Jeweler takes care of this for you; Other things of interest; executables, if you have any scripts; add_dependency, if you have any dependencies; Keep in mind that this is a Gem::Specification, so you can do whatever you would need to do to get your gem in shape. See the reference for more details. Bootstrap a new project

Gem Dependencies - Google Groups
    Oct 18, 2010 · 10/13/10 10:20 AM. Just to make it clear, yes, gem dependencies should only be specified once :) There is logic in place in lib/jewer/specification.rb to introspect into …

Using .gemspecs as Intended - Katz Got Your Tongue
    Apr 02, 2010 · Using .gemspecs as Intended. When you clone a repository containing a Unix tool (or download a tarball), there's a standard way to install it. This is expected to work without any other dependencies, on all machines where the tool is supported. $ …

GitHub - technicalpickles/jeweler: Opinionated tool for ...
    Dependencies let you define other gems that your gem needs to function. gem install your-gem will install your-gem's dependencies along with it, and when you use your-gem in an application, the dependencies will be made available.

#183 Gemcutter & Jeweler - RailsCasts
    Oct 12, 2009 · Jeweler currently relies heavily on Git and GitHub and requires that your project is hosted on GitHub. Since GitHub is no longer hosting gems there will likely be changes to Jeweler soon, especially as Gemcutter is now around and increasing in popularity. Jeweler is supplied as a gem and is installed like any other.

centos - Trouble Starting Snorby / Ruby dependency issue ...
    I am trying to install Snorby on a CentOS 6.6 machine and keep getting an issue with ruby and my Gemfile. I believe I either have to edit my Gemfile or it has something to do with an installation ...

We hope that you have found all the necessary information about Jeweler Gemspec Dependencies using the links above.