Searching for Jeweler Rcov Ruby 1.9 information? Follow the links below to find all the information you need and more.
It runs a handful of tools including rcov which provides C0 code coverage information, but due to changes in Ruby rcov no longer works with Ruby 1.9.
RCov - Code Coverage for Ruby Why? What? This is our fork of Mauricio Fernandez's RCov (maintained by [Relevance] 2). NOTE: This fork does not work on Ruby 1.9.x. For coverage on Ruby 1.9 look at [SimpleCov] 3. Install gem install rcov Bugs and Issues [RCov Issues on GitHub] 1. More Info
May 08, 2009 · I have started a fork on github and have some of Rcov working with ruby 1.9. I have most of the pure-ruby implementation working and I re-wrote parts of the C extension that compile and run in 1.9, although they don’t pass all the tests yet.
Jan 27, 2012 · $ gem install rcov --version 0.9.11 Building native extensions. This could take a while... WARNING: rcov-0.9.11 has an invalid nil value for @cert_chain Successfully installed rcov-0.9.11 1 gem installed Installing ri documentation for rcov-0.9.11... Installing RDoc documentation for rcov-0.9.11...
ruby-1.9.1-gems # Gems for Ruby 1.9.1 gem install rails rails-sqlserver-2000-2005-adapter acts_as_tree acts_as_versioned activerecord-tableless annotate capistrano erubis haml haml-edge inherited_resources nifty-generators rack rack-cache racksh sqlite3-ruby will_paginate passenger
I have an uncut ruby stone that I took to a jeweler 1/9/29 to have an appraisal and to have cut. He told me it would take a couple weeks and I've been very patient do to the coronavirus because he said he sent it to New York, I even have a recording of him telling me he would have to pay me I also have a receipt and pictures of my stone.
Jul 17, 2009 · Thanks to some late-night hacking at Boston.rb and plenty of awesome contributors, our gems are now Ruby 1.9 compatible. If you’re wondering what’s different in the newest version of Ruby, check out this great list from’s some tips and tricks for those who want to upgrade their own Ruby install and have their gems to be compatible.
Dec 07, 2011 · Write a gem in Ruby using Jeweler Steps. - Install gem called jeweler $ gem install jeweler Fetching: jeweler-1.6.4.gem (100%) Successfully installed jeweler-1.6.4
I hit a wall today with rcov + Rails3. I am developing my Rails3 app using Ruby 1.9.2-preview3. rcov and relevance-rcov do not work with Ruby 1.9.2 yet. I can't find any fork of rcov that does yet
Jun 07, 2010 · First, I really like Ruby Version Manager so I highly recommend installing it and the versions of ruby you prefer. Keeping it simple for this article: ∴ rvm install 1.8.7 ∴ rvm 1.8.7 Second, install the prerequisites Jeweler and Bundler: ∴ gem install jeweler ∴ gem install bundler Now it’s time to code generate the project.
We hope that you have found all the necessary information about Jeweler Rcov Ruby 1.9 using the links above.