Searching for Jura Jewelry Setting information? Follow the links below to find all the information you need and more.
Tools & Equipment for Diamond Setting & Engraving HOME JURA by GRS JURA CLASSIC ORDER FORM TRAINING TRADESHOWS LAST CALL Dear Customer, Due to the unfortunate circumstances we are all in, we have to inform you that the delivery of tools might have a delay. ... PAAZ JEWELRY form San Diego CA. sells FAKE JURA Tools!!!!
JURA also offers Precious Stone Setting for small businesses and private projects. We recognise the emotional value of your creations and personal Jewelry. Feel free to contact us for personal advise. We are happy to be at your service with our years of expertise on precious stone setting …
With years of dedication and hi inventive Development of Optical Diamond Setting Tools, JURA opened up a host of innovative possibilities within the world of highest quality diamond setting. JURA established one of the most Outstanding Diamond Setting Ateliers in the world. The precision of our Diamond Setting reaches beyond the visible!
JURA Is known worldwide as the most high end micro pavé diamond setting manufacturer of exclusive Jewelry. JURA Is the innovator and revolutionary developer of high end micro pavé diamond setting and advanced tools. JURA training center offers you a training in advanced micro pavé setting techniques to expand and improve your micro pavé diamond setting skills and make your work more …
We hope that you have found all the necessary information about Jura Jewelry Setting using the links above.