Searching for Latitude Longitude Jewelry Portland Maine information? Follow the links below to find all the information you need and more.
Fine art jewelry, handmade in Maine. Original designs in precious metal, gems and glass beads. Keepsake jewelry w/ custom latitude, longitude and personal text.
Find portland, maine (N 43° 39' 41.2956", W 70° 15' 19.1736") on a map. Address field - enter an address, city, state, place name, postal code or any other name for a location into this field and then click the find button to retrieve its latitude-longitude …
The #1 Best-Selling Coordinates Jewelry line by Lat & Lo™. We specialize in sentimental. Keep your special memories close with our collection of custom coordinates necklaces, bracelets, rings & other personalized jewelry…
GPS coordinates of Portland, Maine, United States. Latitude: 43.6615 Longitude: -70.2553. is a free service, the costs of the project (server, Google Geolocation API, maintenance, bug fixing, …
DMS latitude longitude coordinates for Portland are: 45°31'24.42"N, 122°40'34.36"W. • Latitude position: Equator ⇐ 5062km (3145mi) ⇐ Portland ⇒ 4945km (3073mi) ⇒ North pole . • Longitude position: Portland ⇐ 8436km (5242mi) ⇐ Prime meridian…
We hope that you have found all the necessary information about Latitude Longitude Jewelry Portland Maine using the links above.