Searching for Lead Jewelry Weidenhamer information? Follow the links below to find all the information you need and more.

Widespread lead contamination of imported low-cost jewelry ...
    Weidenhamer JD(1), Clement ML. Author information: (1)Department of Chemistry, Ashland University, 401 College Avenue, Ashland, OH 44805, USA. Recent recalls of lead-contaminated jewelry and the death of a Minnesota child by lead poisoning after swallowing a jewelry charm have highlighted the hazards of leaded jewelry to children.Cited by: 58

Leaded electronic waste is a possible source material for ...
    Leaded electronic waste is a possible source material for lead-contaminated jewelry. Weidenhamer JD(1), Clement ML. Author information: (1)Department of Chemistry, Ashland University, Ashland, OH 44805, USA. Highly leaded jewelry, often imported from China, remains widely available in the United States.Cited by: 32

Professor Jeffrey Weidenhamer: Lessons learned about lead
    CPSC guidelines for lead in children’s jewelry items sets a maximum level of 0.06 percent lead by weight. Weidenhamer and his students have done repeated testing since the spring of 2006 ...

"Assessment of leaching potential of highly leaded jewelry ...
    These results demonstrate that highly leaded jewelry items may leach significant amounts of lead, and provide another reason to remove lead from these products. Furthermore, these results suggest that while the volume of such items in the municipal solid waste (MSW) stream is small, they have the potential to contribute significant quantities of lead to MSW leachates.

Widespread lead contamination of imported low-cost jewelry ...
    Recent recalls of lead-contaminated jewelry and the death of a Minnesota child by lead poisoning after swallowing a jewelry charm have highlighted the hazards of leaded jewelry to children. We sought to determine the extent of lead contamination in inexpensive, imported jewelry available in …

There's no lead in this jewelry: It contains something ...
    Jan 11, 2010 · The jewelry testing for AP was conducted by chemistry professor Jeff Weidenhamer of Ashland University in Ohio, who over the past few years has …

Cadmium and lead in costume jewellery prompt concern ...
    Weidenhamer says no state or federal guidelines restrict lead or cadmium in jewellery that is not explicitly intended for children. This is because the main concern has been about infants and ...

Evidence of recycling of lead battery waste into highly ...
    Nov 01, 2007 · While the evidence presented here for the recycling of battery lead is circumstantial, these results support the novel hypothesis that some battery lead is being recycled into highly leaded jewelry items. Other evidence (Weidenhamer and Clement, 2007b) suggests that leaded electronic solders are also being used to manufacture jewelry samples. If these leaded waste materials are being used in the manufacture of new consumer products such as children’s jewelry, …

From China with love? Don’t be mis-lead - Consumer Reports
    That necklace and several other Patriot Pride jewelry sets Weidenhamer tested contain more than 80 percent lead by weight.

Toxic metal in kids' jewelry from China
    Jan 10, 2010 · The jewelry testing for AP was conducted by chemistry professor Jeff Weidenhamer of Ashland University in Ohio, who over the past few years has …

We hope that you have found all the necessary information about Lead Jewelry Weidenhamer using the links above.