Searching for Naja Jewelry Definition information? Follow the links below to find all the information you need and more.
Naja (or "Najah") From the Navajo word "Najahe", meaning "crescent". A crescent-shaped silverornament believed to go back to Moorish designsthat was originally a forehead pendanton horse bridles. It is now commonly found pendant from the bottom of a squash blossom necklace.
The naja is a crescent-shaped piece that is often worn alone as a pendant or as the center piece of a squash blossom necklace in Southwestern Indian jewelry. The naja design shape is thought to have originated from the Moorish and then borrowed from the Spanish that was used as an ornamental design on horse bridle headstalls and as silver decorations on men’s pants.
With probable Paleolithic origins, the inverted crescent form (called Naja by the Navajo) has represented the Phoenician goddess of fertility, Astarte, and is mentioned in the Book of Judges among the “ornaments on camels’ necks.” The Moors – who dominated Spain for eight centuries – adopted the crescent as a horse’s bridle ornament, to protect the horse and rider from “the evil eye”.
Jun 21, 2018 · by Native American Jewelry Tips. Vintage Sterling Silver Naja. Naja (pronounced na-ha) – also najahe and názhah in the Navajo language means “crescent shape” or “curve”. According to Arthur Woodward in “Navajo Silver, A brief history of Navajo Silversmithing”: “This emblem was old when Columbus crossed the ocean to the new world.
I had always thought "squash blossom" referred to the pendant part of a squash blossom necklace, but it doesn't. The squash blossoms are the vaguely trumpet-shaped beads on the chain. The pendant is called a naja -- pronounced NAH-hah, with a Spanish "j". And it doesn't mean anything. The design came to the New World with the conquistadores. Those guys may have gotten it from the Moors, who …
Definition of an appraisal: An appraisal is an opinion of value for a particular market on a particular date. It is usually in document format, describing all qualitative and quantitative attributes necessary to arrive at the value conclusion.
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