Searching for Patricia Hambrecht Jewelry information? Follow the links below to find all the information you need and more.

Jaspar LLC - Jewelry Advisory Service
    G. Hambrecht Patty is the daughter of jewelry and antique dealers and has had an avid interest in both the jewelry world and the auction market since she was a From her many years at Christie's [first as general counsel and then as president in North and South America] and Harry Winston [as president

JAR: designer jewelry as calling card the jewelry loupe
    Aug 12, 2010 · Patricia Hambrecht, a jewelry consultant who worked for Harry Winston and Christie’s for many years, recalls a party she once attended in Argentina where a lovely woman was standing across the terrace. As she moved her head, something caught the light beneath her long hair. Hambrecht strolled over and asked to see her earrings.

    Nov 13, 2003 · Luxury jeweler Harry Winston is heading for a management shakeup that could see President Patricia Hambrecht leave the company when her contract expires at the end of the year, The Post has learned.Author: Suzanne Kapner

Patricia Hambrecht, President, Marvin Traub Assoc Spoke
    Patricia Hambrecht Fine Jewelry Former President of Harry Winston and Christie’s HARRY WINSTON, INC. President 2000 – 2003 President of internationally renowned luxury jeweler. Leadership responsibility for management of day-to-day operations and growth of the Company’s global jewelry and watch business. Skillfully

JAR: Elusive Trendsetter - JCK
    Oct 15, 2020 · JAR jewelry has become a sort of calling card among the rich and famous. Patricia Hambrecht, a jewelry consultant who worked for Harry Winston and Christie’s for many years, recalls a party she once attended in Argentina where a lovely woman was standing across the terrace.

We hope that you have found all the necessary information about Patricia Hambrecht Jewelry using the links above.