Searching for Skyrim Where To Sell My Jewelry information? Follow the links below to find all the information you need and more.
Any general goods store, and I beleive wizards let you sell them to them. So in Whiterun, it's Belethor and Farengar. Fralia Gray-Mane also has a Jewerly stall in the market but she has so little gold she can barely buy anything anything.
Dec 09, 2020 · Many jewelers sell their goods from around 8am-8pm in merchant stalls in major cities in Skyrim. These merchants usually only have 50–750 to buy items in return.
Go to windhelm.... there's the vendor lady near the blacksmith, and the merchant in the shop in the grey quarter. Best place I can think of off the top of my head. Maybe Markarth, but the jewler there doesn't have a lot of cash... Actually scratch that. Riften. Modesi/Crazy light armor lady/Brandshei all buy jewelry and have some cash.
Nov 28, 2011 · I usually hang onto them and smith them into jewelry, then sell or enchant the result. All general goods vendors should buy them, like Belethor in Whiterun, and the ones in Riverwood …
A traveling caravan of potion selling. 8000 gold in only about half an hour, after an hour of potion making. I did the same thing with my accumulation of jewelry. Its the easiest way to me to sell things rather than trying to find one merchant to buy them all.
At the end of the road you are on when you first enter whiterun, there is a small circular area of merchants. The general goods guy is the first building on the right.
Belethors general goods has 750 gold and buys all items, good for selling jewelry and enchanted clothes to. Erindir in the Drunken Huntsman across from Warmaidens has 750 gold. I will usually buy ingots to give the merchants more gold so I can sell them more of my stuff, but not before smithing all of it to increase its value.
Whiterun is the one place where you’ll find the most merchants in the game. As such, if you need to offload a bunch of stuff, simply visit Whiterun and sell it to each merchant until your inventory is empty (bonus points if you have a house in Whiterun and store more stuff to sell there).
We hope that you have found all the necessary information about Skyrim Where To Sell My Jewelry using the links above.