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It's presented in a hand-blown art glass vase that shimmers with a beautiful iridescent finish. This bouquet features lavender roses, pink asiatic lilies, purple alstroemeria, lavender carnations, lavender sinuata statice, seeded eucalyptus, and leatherleaf fern. Delivered in Teleflora's Amethyst Gemstone Art Glass vase.
Teleflora's Amethyst Jewel Bouquet PM. recipe: 8 each roses, 50cm, lavender 2 stems lilies, asiatic, pink 3 stems alstroemeria, purple 4 each stock, purple 2 each carnations, lavender 1 stem statice, …
Teleflora's Amethyst Jewel Bouquet. recipe: 3 each roses, 50cm, lavender 2 stems lilies, asiatic, pink 3 stems alstroemeria, purple 3 each stock, purple 2 each carnations, lavender 1 stem statice, sinuata, …
Teleflora’s Amethyst Jewel Bouquet Rated 5.00 out of 5 based on 2 customer ratings (2 customer reviews) Like a rare jewel, this regal arrangement of lavender roses and pink lilies is naturally …5/5
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